Brighton band Squid announce debut album Bright Green Field due for release on 7th May via Warp Records and share the first single Narrator to be lifted from the album.
Photo credit: Holly Whitaker
New single Narrator hits with a raucous onslaught of guitars and drums with sharply delivered lyrics played off against the melodic touch of guest vocalist on the track Martha Skye Murphy. Talking about the new single the band say “Narrator was inspired by the 2019 film A Long Day's Journey Into Night, the song follows a man who is losing the distinction between memory, dream and reality and how you can often mould your memories of people to fit a narrative that benefits your ego. Martha Skye Murphy, the track's guest vocalist, made the point that the unreliable narrator is, more often than not, a male who wishes to portray women as submissive characters in their story. After some discussions with Martha she thought it’d be a good idea that she play the part of the woman wanting to break free from the dominating story the male has set.”
Talking about the forthcoming album Ollie Judge, who writes the majority of the lyrics and plays drums comments: This album has created an imaginary cityscape. The tracks illustrate the places, events and architecture that exist within it. Previous projects were playful and concerned with characters, whereas this project is darker and more concerned with place - the emotional depth of the music has deepened.”