
Dutch trio Klangstof share new single 'Plastic Gun' along with accompanying video, ahead of their 3rd album 'Godspeed To The Freaks' being released on Sept 16th via Velveteen Records.

Discussing the new single Plastic Gun, Koen van de Wardt says, “‘Plastic Gun was meant as an homage to my teenage self. I remember me walking along the streets in the middle of the night towards a lover but every time I got closer, I freaked out and walked back home. Still to this point I can get panic attacks when there are too many people around. I start to feel unwanted and just have to get out. I think now I can manage it better and avoid certain situations, but as a young dude this was incredibly frustrating. 

Musically we started to write a lot of songs with bass and drums as a starting point. What’s great about that is that you don’t get stuck in this chord progression like you do when you write on a guitar or piano. There are just these single notes floating around and giving you a lot of possibilities to fill in the actual chords at a later stage. We ended up really digging that. Just get drum and bass - train going and figure out the chords later.”