
Canadian indie alt-pop/rock artist Jeen shares new single Chemical Emotion taken from forthcoming album Tracer due 21st October.

Commenting on the theme of the new single Jeen explains it as: “about letting yourself drift in the flow of everything and hanging on as hard as you can to what makes the shitty parts more tolerable...I was thinking of that Hunter S. Thompson quote, ‘buy the ticket, take the ride

While continuing further: “It was written in April 2021, which was a rough part of last year for me. I needed to write something that reminded me to tread lightly, to forget about the heaviness of everything. Ian Blurton (who is also my co-producer) and Stephan Szczesniak are playing on this one as usual and we had Robin Hatch come in to play some keyboards too. We just wanted the song to float and not get too weighted down, so we kept production simple