Annie Hamilton
Eora/Sydney-based musician, visual artist and designer Annie Hamilton shares debut album, The Future Is Here But It Feels Kinda Like The Past, via [PIAS] Australia.
Photo credit: Jordan Kirk (XingerXanger)
Working both on her own and alongside co-producers Pete Covington and Jake Webb (Methyl Ethel) and contributions from Jenny McCullagh and Rosie Fitzgerald (I Know Leopard), Matt Mason (DMA’s) and Luke Davison (The Preatures). The Future Is Here But It Feels Kinda Like The Past takes moments of emotionality, preserving them in sound and vision with visualisers being created for each track on the debut album preserving the tracks as snapshots perfectly struck and enchanting, from the grandiose opening track ‘Providence Portal, The Future Is Here But It Feels Kinda Like The Past and the field-recording-rich ineffable ‘Interlude (A Dream) alongside previous singles ‘Electric Night’, ‘Night Off’ ‘Again’ and anthemic, uplifting-yet-existential ‘Exist’.
“It’s about the passing of time,” explains Hamilton, “how sometimes it flies by and sometimes it drags on forever and we’re always looking ahead wanting something more or wallowing in nostalgia, stuck in a past that probably wasn’t as good at the time as we remember it… the sense that the grass is always greener. The sense that there is never enough time to do everything that we want to do, or the feeling that we should have done more with the time that has already passed.”
Photo credit: Jordan Kirk (XingerXanger)
On ‘Again’, Hamilton shares: “This is the first song I worked on with Jake Webb (Methyl Ethel). I had written the first half of it and recorded a demo but it felt flat and I couldn’t figure out what to do with it, so I sent it to him and he took it away to add his magic. He rearranged it and added some amazing production and sent it back - it had this big, long instrumental section at the end and on my first listen I realised it could be the home for this verse that I had written back in 2019 that I had never figured out what to do with. I sat down and recorded the end vocals and that was that!”
Going on to discuss ‘Night Off’ Hamilton explains: “Nothing is the way that it's meant to be, the world is ending, but it doesn't matter because it's your night off and you're texting your crush. I wanted this song to capture the energy of sparks flying, the giddiness, the butterflies - full of imperfections but more alive than ever, This song arrived thick and fast one night last year in between lockdowns - I wrote and recorded the whole thing in the space of a few hours. Usually I edit lyrics, rearrange and re-record parts over and over again, but this song had a sense of urgency to it that I didn't want to touch, so I left it exactly as it was, apart from the later addition of drums by Luke Davison (The Preatures) recorded remotely from his home studio during lockdown.”
Annie Hamilton
the future is here but it feels kinda like the past
the future is here but it feels kinda like the past by Annie Hamilton
is out via on [PIAS] Australia order Here.