Molly Burman

Molly Burman shares video for new single Little Love, the final track to be shared from newly released debut EP Fool Me With Flattery released via Prolifica Inc.

Discussing the latest single Molly comments: "'Little Love’ was written about someone I was seeing who would act up in front of their friends. We were never serious or anything ‘deep’ and we ended everything on good terms, but then I would hear them exaggerating everything to their friends and acting as if I was crazy. The more things I heard about me that weren’t true, the more frustrated I got and just really wanted to clear my name!"

Along with the new single comes the release of debut EP Fool Me With Flattery a collection of tracks written over the last couple of years and recorded and co-produced at home alongside her father. Containing previous single releases Fool Me With Flattery, Everytime and Debt

Commenting on the EP Molly explains: "Each song explores the themes of being deceived and disrespected. This EP follows my journey from craving acceptance from others, to finally accepting myself. I feel like I’ve grown a lot with this EP and I hope that others can relate to this journey too.

Lynsey Gillies