
Bedroom-pop duo Wynona comprising partners Natalie & Rich share video for debut single Get Back To Myself.

Wanting to capture the repetitiveness of time during periods of isolation with accompanying video, Get Back To Myself is an ode to feelings of homesick after finding yourself on the other side of the world with the duo tapping into a melodic charm tinged with nostalgic undertones rounded off with Natalie’s expressive delivery.

“The initial version of the song was floating around pre-pandemic whilst we were living in Osaka.” comments Natalie. “We found the idea comforting as it addressed the isolation we were feeling whilst living so far from home. Then all of a sudden we found ourselves unexpectedly on the last flight out of Tokyo (literally!), in Spring 2020, due to the global situation. We then returned to the home we were missing, only to find it unrecognisable to the one we had left behind. It was a culture shock in our own country - a disorientating experience.

We returned to the song in the summer of 2020 and found ourselves romanticising our time in Japan with a new perspective, in a world that had completely changed. In this way, the definition of what ‘myself’ looked or felt like, proved to be fluid and ever-changing.”

Lynsey Gillies