
Indie-pop duo Nudista comprising of Robbie Carman and Spanish-born singer Pilar Matji Cabello share new single confess released via Sad Club Records.


Having met at university the duo bonded over a mutual love of Yo La Tengo, Phoebe Bridgers and Neil Young, Pilar was drawn to the UK for the gig circuit and DIY scene explaining: “I have always loved English bands and folk music. I particularly felt that making music was, for me, something very private and couldn't be shared, I especially didn't have any women making music around me who I could relate to and share the experience with.”

Recorded live to tape at an analog space, Hermitage Studios London, new single Confess captures the raw emotions of feeling overwhelmed set against a backdrop of alt-folk and dream pop creating a wonderfully vivid track which gently breezes with elements of the aforementioned influences. Talking about the track vocalist Pillar comments: I was coming to terms with life in all its mundanity: working, paying rent, surviving the city, etc and the slow acknowledgement that predictions for life in mid-20s were inaccurate. ‘confess’ is about coming to terms with that process and, eventually, being okay with it - sitting in that feeling, it's sad but it's all good.”

Pillar elaborates on this by continuing “It’s kind of about me acknowledging that I don’t know how to ‘play’ the game of life and not knowing all of it’s intrinsicate rules that you need to learn, and finding these a bit overwhelming.  No one really knows what they are doing. We are all kind of improvising and accepting all of these strange rules that we all need to follow just because we are alive. And that’s it’s okay to feel lost and confused, eventually you start taking things less seriously and it’s been proven if we stop a bit things can become less overwhelming.” 

Accompanying the track comes video filmed and edited by lead singer Pilar’s sister Mercedes elegantly pieced together using old VHS footage of their childhood at their grandparents house along with new footage of the house empty during lockdown. “The idea came because I’ve always loved my grandparents house and how it has stayed the same throughout the years, making it such a unique place. I have great memories from the house with my big Spanish family at Christmas with around 40 people in the house. It’s a bit nostalgic as well as we haven’t been able to gather all together this year and the house has been a bit empty, so my grandad has been working on his garden and enjoying the visits from the family, so I really wanted to show this contrast. We are all excited to be able to gather again together and enjoy being surrounded with family!”.


Lynsey Gillies